Who We Are? 

  • We are one of many local churches that represent the spiritual body of Christ in the Ramseur, North Carolina community. 
  • We are totally committed to the belief that the Bible is the absolute revelation of God; that it is without error and serves as our source of specific information about God, His salvation and how He wants us to live in this world.  We truly desire to know God.
  • We are fully convinced that salvation is by God’s grace through the faith in the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ apart from any works of man.
  • We are independent by choice, believing that each church should follow the leading of God’s Word and His Spirit.
  • We are Baptists by conviction; embracing the biblical concept of the priesthood of the believer and celebrating the ordinances of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
  • We are most definitely NOT perfect, and do not pretend to know all the answers to all of life’s questions, but we sure enjoy exploring all that with each other.  We would love to have you join us on this journey.


What We Do?

  • We are relational.  We begin by dedicating ourselves to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and then actively loving our neighbors as ourselves.
  • We place God’s Word at the center of our Church and rely on His indwelling Spirit to help us rightly divide God’s truth and apply it to our everyday lives.
  • We teach our people to study the Bible for themselves using an inductive method of investigation.
  • We teach all of our classes expositionally, focusing on the context, history, grammar and meaning of the words God choose to give to men.
  • We counsel and comfort one another with God’s Word.


In the navigation bar to the left you can see the general information ABOUT  various aspects of Faith Baptist Church.
