c-teen ministries

Students in grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for our weekly meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM.


The focus of our Youth Ministries is to equip the young people to learn how to:

1.  OBSERVE THE SCRIPTURES- Seek to discover what the Bible is saying.

2.  INTERPRET THE SCRIPTURES - Seek to discover what the Bible means.

3.  APPLY THE SCRIPTURES - Seek to discover how it can be applied to their life.


The Bible indicates that these are skills that can be learned and mastered.  Ultimately, we desire for our teenagers to develop a deep, deep love for Jesus in order to keep them grounded in truth as they navigate the culture they live in.

Our youth group is also learning how to use LOGOS Bible Software to aid in their spiritual developments.  Each teen gets a subscription to this Bible software.
