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Iowa Achievment Tests

Life is full of "pop quizzes" and tests, and, at FCS, we are no different. Although students are subjected to tests in their various classes, we also test the students every year, using the Iowa Achievement Test. After the tests are administered in the spring, they are graded and the scores are compared to other Christian schools as well as public schools. The students in our school typically score well above the national average on this test.

Class Rankings 

Each year the North Carolina Christian School Association releases an achievement test school ranking report for its member schools.   The ranking report compares Faith Christian School against the other member schools of the association with how the school performed on the Stanford Achievement test. Our association consists of about 60 Christian schools statewide.  The achievement test is given each April here at Faith.  After reviewing the rankings, we are excited to report to you some of the results.  Each result reflects how a particular grade did in the whole state.  For example 3rd grade was 10th in the state in reading.  Thus, meaning our third grade had the 10th highest ranking among all 3rd grade classes in our association.

Below are the results of the ranking report

1st grade – 20th in reading

2nd grade – 20th in language

3rd grade – 10th in reading; 7th in math; 9th in language; 6th in science; 11th in social science and 10th in complete battery                                                    

4th grade – 15th in reading; 17th in math; 12th in science and 15th in social science

5th grade – 18th in reading and 16th in science

6th grade – 18th in reading and 20th in language

7th grade – 12th in reading; 10th in math; 12th in language and 14th in science

8th grade – 18th in math and 15th in social science

9th grade – 6th in math; 20th in science and 12 in social science

10th grade – 15th in reading; 6th in  math and 19th  in language

11th grade – 14th in reading; 4th in math; 20th in language; 5th in science and 17th in social science 

K-5 and 12th grade do not take the achievement tests.
