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The Next Generation

s - 22 graduationOn Friday, May 27, our 15 Seniors celebrated their high school graduation as they walked to receive their diplomas. Co-valedictorians Alexa Moser and Jacob Avelino each gave their addresses reflecting on their class' unfolding stories, penned by their divine Author. They spoke of His works and accomplishments in their class' years at FCS. Over half of the class completed all their school years together and were second generation graduates of FCS. One graduate, Vandie Greene became the first third generation graduate with her mother, Melanie Greene, our Fifth Grade teacher, and her grandmother who are FCS alumnae.

Click here to view photos. 

Another Magical Moment

s - 22 jr,srOn Saturday, May 7, the Junior and Senior Classes and sponsors gathered at ??? in Greensboro as the Juniors hosted a fine evening of good food and fun. With the emphasis on special times or magical moments of their lives, the classes enjoyed the staples of an FCS Jr/Sr Banquet --The Senior Prophecy movie and the Seniors' Last Will and Testaments. Beautiful outdoor pictures were taken on the farm, and the students enjoyed a wonderful evening making memories with their friends. 

Click here to view photos. 


Play Production Perfected

s -22 playOne of the most awaited times of the school year, The Cases of Mistaken Identity held a captive audience as this year’s Sophomore Class and Advanced Speech Class took the stage. 

Altogether the class had a fun experience, made memories and learned life lessons. Sophomore Madison Avelino said, “I would definitely do the play again because it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it, and I learned a lot.”  

Click here to view photos. 


St. Croix Mission 

s - 22 mission tripOur Senior Class visited YWAM in the Virgin Island of St. Croix where they ministered in a project community and held a Bible school for the children. In addition, the mission team of parents, sponsors and students were able to assist two local pastors in sprucing up their church facilities, The group was able to see the work of last year's mission group and visit the community soup kitchen, sponsored by the local pastor, where they sang to those attending worship and spent time with a veteran pastor who encouraged them in their mission efforts. This was the second year of ministry in St. Croix, and plans are anticipated for the 2023 Senior Mission trip.  

Click here to view photos. 


Spiritual Revival 

s-22 wildsWith great testimonies of God's work in the lives of the middle and high school students, the spiritual revival continued on The Wilds trip the first week of September. The Lord used Travis Shelton, youth pastor of Beulah Baptist, in the opening chapels of the school year, and the Lord continued the work as the students were challenged to walk closely with their Lord through Bible study instruction on their Wilds trip. 

Click here to view photos. 


The Bigger Picture

In the world of instability and change, God continues to grow His people to find their security in His unchanging character. How does He do this in a time such as this? How could spiritual growth come out of chaotic circumstances? FCS students have grown to understand that their God is bigger than anything, including a pandemic.

To tell of what God was doing in their lives, students in upper elementary through high school wrote essays to explain what God has taught them this past year. The idea originated with Mrs. JoAnn Braxton, an FCS grandparent and FBC member, who presented the idea to others who joined in judging the essay contest.

The group was so impressed with the students' testimonies that they compiled a book to show what God was doing in 2020. Even though so many will forever look back on 2020 as a disturbing and hard year, God was and continues to be bigger. He delights in doing greater things through what we often view as only difficult circumstances. 

We congratulate the following winners:

Elementary - First Place - Emma Howard; Second Place - Seth Greenwood; Third Place - Payton Staley

Middle School - First Place - Addie Langley; Second Place - Taylor Singleterry; Third Place - Gabriel Jones; Fourth Place - Isabelle Nance

High School - First Place - Jacob Avelino; Second Place - Vandie Greene; Third Place - Dakota Hicks; Fourth Place - Samuel Daniel

Click here to view pictures. 
