
We Love Community Service!

s - 21 cspEverything from cleaning inside and outside of houses and nursing homes, serving at community centers, the student body and parents eagerly served God and others in the community in early November 2021. One students said, "CSP is a day of caring for others, and by having a willing and Christlike spirit, we can leave an impact on someone that could change his/her life!" 

Click here to view photos. 


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For those wishing to support the CSP with a donation we have provided a QUICK LINK to Faith's Online Donation Center.  All donations are appreciated.  If you wish your donation to be credited to a particular student(s), please email the school to let the office know the name(s) of the students being sponsored: [email protected].

Link to Online Donation Center



CSP stands for Community Service Program. The CSP is the primary fundraiser for Faith Christian School and is based on the classical “thon” concept, ie: Jog-a-thon or Walk-a-thon.  What sets the Community Service Program apart from the other “thons” is that instead of our students soliciting donations for jogging or walking, they raise money for the purpose of giving five hours serving those in need in Randolph and surrounding counties. This service is rendered to those served at no cost. 

Why is there a need for fundraisers?

The annual operating budget for FCS is over one million dollars. Student tuition covers only 65% of the annual expenses. The remaining 35% of the funds needed each year comes primarily from donations and fundraising. Instead of engaging in a wide number of fundraising possibilities, such as candy or cookie dough sales, the school has one large school wide fundraiser – the CSP.

How does the CSP operate?:

  1. The CSP organizers are busy, almost year round, lining up projects with service organizations such as HOSPICE, area nursing homes, federal housing developments and many folks who are in need help around their homes.
  2. FCS partners with a nonprofit fundraising software company, Dojiggy,  to help school families obtain sponsors to help us meeting our fundraising goals.
  3. On our CSP workday, the entire faculty and staff will mobilize and go out into the community to perform community service. Classes from Grade 4 and below will be visiting the various nursing homes in the county. Students in grades 5 thru 12 will be organized into teams of four students and sent out to work under the supervision of an adult volunteer. Each year, the teams complete approximately 50 community projects.

What type of work is done on CSP day?

Our students paint, rakes leaves, clean houses, wash windows, make minor repairs, visit nursing homes, perform programs and just about anything else they are asked to do. CSP Day is truly a special day. Most of our students are very blessed materially, and the CSP Day gives them a chance to minister to others in need. They have opportunity to serve and experience the appreciation expressed by those served.

How can people help with the CSP program?

The key word is, VOLUNTEER. CSP needs include: helping with mailings, providing transportation, supervising a work group and much more. We encourage everyone that can to help and make the CSP program a success.
